'sup Magazine
Robin Guthrie Interview
The new 'Sup Magazine is out and about. If you see one pick it up. It's well designed and has a good broad section of interviews without being too try hard. This issue has interviews with Hot Chip, Beach House, Gonzales, Nicolas Jaar and a New York house special with Conneticut's Underground Quality gang. You can pick it up in East and central London easily but I'm not sure about the rest of the country. They have a website so maybe you can find out there. Our favourite piece from this issue is this interview with the Cocteau Twin's Robin Guthrie. I have never read an interview with him, but his work speaks for itself so I was interested. I'd heard he was a miserable bastard but it seems the polar opposite is true. He speaks a whole lot of sense and it's refreshing to hear someone unafraid to mince their words and not bother playing the PR game which is so commonplace these days. Love the bit where he is on about people that take 15 years to make pop records not being the geniuses they are heralded as but actually being 'fucking retarded'. Here it is if you have five minutes...