Better World
It's 1993.
Weatherall's on the radio.
Kiss 100.
1 – 3 AM.
Sir Alan (Russell) of Green Tights on the knobs.
I'm lying in bed, drinking cheap wine. Listening on my headphones. I'm in a rented room in a shared house on Carmichael Road. Round the back of South Norwood station. I'm surrounded by all I own. A cheap clothes rail. Two metal shelving units, the ones that look like Meccano (do they still make Meccano?), that I've pinched from work and that are leaning Pisa-like from the weight of the records I've put on them. Books are stacked up on the floor between the window and the bed, and there's a small leather suitcase of photos pushed under the bed. It's a Wednesday night and I'm just straight enough to think about the weekend again. Drum Club tomorrow, then Friday'll be Sabresonic at Happy Jax. A cold cave beneath London Bridge with upturned oil drums for tables. No more dressing up. Blims in an old Benneton sweat-shirt. Weatherall playing a mixture of Detroit Techno, European Trance, and pitched-down Drum 'n' Bass. As far as I can remember, there are no women there. Only stick-thin geezers with ponytails and boils. It has gone a bit dark. Surrender to the void. My membership is No. 303, which I am quite pleased about.
I am unable to relax because I'm taping the show and obsessively attempting to remove all the ad breaks. I can stretch out and reach the pause button from my bed, but I can't just lie there and listen.
Jazzadelic are on a play-list that takes in Asia-Born, Central Fire, Model 500, Mad Professor, Tenastillin, Aphex Twin and Effective Force.
Weatherall shouts out to those bugling 'til dawn.
This dream of a better world.