Joe Hisaishi
Play On The Sands

Words by Dr Rob

I got up to work on a radio show, but “Sonatine” (ソナチネ) is on Channel Neco. It`s one of my favourite Kitano films. There's no need for language or sub-titles since its practically a silent movie. Simple in its violent beauty. A small group of hoods in hiding in Okinawa attempt to entertain themselves while they wait to die. An allegory for life. Or at least that's how it seemed to me when I first saw it. “Beat” looks so young. His eyes these days are cold and animal.

Joe Hisaishi's Reich-ian score plays while gentle humour endeavours to mask the inevitable. It takes some courage to play and laugh at practical jokes, relive childhood games while you pass what's left of your time. Too easy to sit and worry your nails to the quick.

As it was with all the books and films, the sentimentality, I took my code from, revenge is swift and with no quarter. But like the final scenes of “The Wild Bunch”, ultimately in vain. Pointless bar honour.

The last shinkansen rattles the house.

Sunflowers dance on a beach.


Savage Music 002
Caroline True


Balearic London
