20 Questions 023
Steve Moore

Where are you based?
Bath, New York. "Gateway to the Finger Lakes." Moved here in September.
Is this your hometown?
I grew up in Monroeville, Pennsylvania and moved to Pittsburgh after college. For the last 6 years I was living in Nyack, New York - about 30 miles North of NYC.
What is your first musical memory?
Barry Manilow. My parents played his albums constantly when I was a baby.
What was the first record you bought?

What was the last record you bought?
Michael Nesmith`s “Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma”.
What do you like about this record? How did you discover it?
I'm not really into this record. I bought it because a while back I found Nestmith's “Tantamount To Treason Vol. 1” for a dollar, and I'm a Monkees fan so I picked it up and it's really great. Most recent record that I both purchased AND enjoyed is Tangerine Dream's “Firestarter” soundtrack.
What inspired you to start making music?
I can't really remember, but it may have been Billy Ocean's "Caribbean Queen."
How long have you been making music?
I've been playing in bands and recording music since high school. My first official release was with Pittsburgh band Microwaves in 2001.
What kind of music did Microwaves make?
Noisy No-Wave / Metal. I played a Kramer headless / fretless bass through a Korg Toneworks G5 bass synth pedal and sang / shouted.

Steve, might be a daft question but do you ever DJ?
Nope (smiles).
How would you describe your sound?
Well, what I'm going for is a modern take on 70's/80's progressive electronics. Or a darker, more realistic take on New Age music.
Which production / release / remix are you most proud of?
This is all subject to change, but I think “Primitive Neural Pathways” is the album I'm most proud of. And my Lovelock version of Bear In Heaven's "Reflection of You" is my proudest remix moment.
I love “Orgenous Zones” from “Primitive Neural Pathways”. Has that Bear In Heaven remix been released?
Thanks! No, the Bear In Heaven remix was a free download. I don't think there are any plans for an official release.
Which production / release / remix would you most like to have done?
I really wish I had written Eric Clapton's "Forever Man." And Robert Plant's "Big Log."
They're both great songs that don't really sound like any other songs and they both made lots of money.
What are your favourite places to play / hang out in?
I don't like to play live. And I don't hang out much. When I do it's usually at the local diner with my daughter.
What is your favourite place outside of a bar / club / record shop?
Watkins Glen State Park. Full disclosure I'm not too into bars, and I hate clubs.
For someone who hates clubs, some of your music has dance elements and the video that accompanies “Panther Moderns” conjures a dark NY night-life of vampires and shadows. Is House an influence at all, and if so which artists?
I really like the "Panther Moderns" video, I think it's perfect, but I can't take any credit for it. I had nothing to do with it. I don't like Techno or House music, but I do like certain elements of it, and tracks like "Panther Moderns," Bayern Kurve" or "Zero-Point Field" are attempts at fusing those elements with the spacey, vintage New Age-inspired music I usually make. Some people see the end result as being not too unlike actual Techno music, though I have no real knowledge of the genre or experiences from which to draw. To me it feels more like the music that would be playing in the background of a disco-tech scene from a science fiction movie set in a dystopian future.
Do you see yourself as part of any scene?
I don't think so.
How did you hook up with Ron from L.I.E.S.?
I met Ron when he was living in Philly, around 2004 or 2005. He was living with my buddy Shawn Brackbill and when Zombi was on tour in Philly we'd always crash with them. He DJed my wedding reception and killed it. When he told me he was starting a record label and asked if I wanted to do a 12" with him it was a no-brainer. I mean I guess there are scenes I could be considered a part of, but scenes are for 20-somethings. I've just made a lot of friends in the, mostly underground, music world over the years, many of whom are like-minded and share influences, and I try to work with them as often as I can.
There currently seems to be an increasing number of labels releasing more analogue electronic music. The artists involved have been making music for years. Do you have any idea why analogue now seems to be in vogue?
No but I wish it wasn't.
Who does your artwork?
I work with different people for different projects. Jeremy Schmidt, Alexander Burkhart, Jacob Escobedo, Shawn Brackbill. Sometimes I just do it myself.
Are these people friends and associates?
Jeremy is an IRL friend, and Shawn's been a buddy of mine since the 90's. I haven't met Alex or Jacob in person but they seem cool and are very easy and fun to work with.

Is a visual identity important?
No. Interesting artwork is important but I'm not into logos or branding.
Which artists are you currently working with?
Zombi, with A.E.Paterra, and Miracle, with Daniel O'Sullivan.
I first became aware of your work when DJs like Prins Thomas picked up on “Sapphire”. Where you surprised to hear the track was being played to dancefloors?
I didn't know until years later, really. But yeah, when I found out I was surprised.
In 2013, when you are collaborating on music is it in a live “jamming” context or is it a case of exchanging files and ideas?
Exchanging files, for better or for worse. I live in Central New York State, about 5 hours from Pittsburgh where Tony, my Zombi partner, lives. So it's rare that we get together and play. But exchanging ideas online is something I've actually grown to enjoy. I do miss the chemistry of getting together in a room with other musicians, but exchanging files has it's own kind of chemistry as well. And with Miracle, Daniel lives in London. We've only hung out in person twice so far this decade.
Who would you most like to work with?
Nicolas Winding Refn. I want to write music for films.
That sounds like a dream job. Do you have any avenues to pursue?
I have couple projects I'm working on now but I don't have many contacts in the film world. Hopefully that'll change.
Does playing and making music pay the rent?
Not really. I'm a stay at home dad, my wife's the breadwinner. My music income is just a nice supplement.
What sites, if any, do you regularly check on-line?
Dangerous Minds, io9, Wired, Scientific American, Twitter, Tumblr.
What was the last book you read?
William Gibson “Distrust That Particular Flavor”.
Any good? I`m a big fan of Gibson`s early writing, stuff like “Burning Chrome”, that describes a future just a hair`s breath from your fingertips, but I haven`t kept up with his work.
I loved it. It's a collection of non-fiction pieces he's written for different publications. I'm a big “Neuromancer” fan, but I think his more recent novels are even more interesting. They're set in the present, but in a way that highlights how futuristic our world already is. Though he's working on a new book now that apparently IS set in the future and I'm really excited for that.

What is your favourite book?
I don't think I have a favorite book. James Ellroy's "The Black Dahlia" and Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash" popped into my head, so maybe one of those.
What was the last film you saw?
"Last Days of Disco".
What is your favourite film?
Hard to narrow it down, maybe "Highlander" or "Countryman".

What is your favourite piece of music? If that`s too difficult, what`s your current favourite piece of music?
Current favorite is Enya's "The Celts" album.
Can you name 3 records for sunset / sunrise?
Sunset: Steve Hillage / Rainbow Dome Musick
Sunset: Double / Blue
Sunrise: Terry Riley / A Rainbow in Curved Air
Can you name 3 records to start a party?
Michael Jackson / Off The Wall
Blue Oyster Cult / Tyranny and Mutation
Steely Dan / Aja
Steve Moore`s "Zen Spiders" is due for release this spring on Future Times.