Akis 'space, Time & Beyond' (into The Light)

Sometimes I wish I was backing being my seventeen year old LSD-loving self as a lot of the music we get sent these days would sound so good to those ears. This Akis album is a perfect case in point. This album brings together many hard to find and mostly unheard pieces dating from 1986 to 2016. It's a pretty tripped out ride in places. Dubbed out sax, ambient textures and wonky noisescapes coming from different angles as you move through the album, then half way through you build to this really nice lovely melodic area of semi-Latin and soundtrack pieces such as 'Erotica', 'At Sirius' and the stunning 'Space, Time & Beyond' (which is worth buying the album for). From there its back out to a trippy edge of ambience and sound. The Akis records go for big money on Discogs so this here will be a bit of a bargain... If you know and enjoy the work of Vangelis Katsoulis and similar artists, and many of us did, then check take a minute to check this one out. Invest some times in this one and it'll pay you back.