Glass Siren
Dub Stories

Colour. A sufferer`s rainbow. Images in Black Ark collage. Secrets held in their code. This is our magick. Our Ju Ju. Our totem. Its knowledge, our power. Our means to keep Evil at bay. Lightning strikes when we chat `pon the mike. Channel One. Reel to reel. The Super Ape`s roar of a child-like lion swapped for rasta. `im smile.

Images burnt out, faded, by sun yellows, eroded, echo sound on hundredth hand tape and delay. The genius in clash, interference and bleed. One take. Unique. Error and feel are its perfection. Its sincerity. Its purity.

A meditation in the repetition of bass and drum. The bass she is melancholy, gravity, while fragments of song, a life, fly by. The mind of a drowning man stealing memory. The head it reaches for what heart holds dear. The things we take with us (when we go). Comforted a while in their diminishing reflection. Protected by dread wisdom. Dub stories. Wordless soundtracks of the imagination. Ghosts in the smoke.

Dub stories & Damon Roberts` growing body of work can be viewed and purchased at Glass Siren Art
Reggae & Dub special on my radio show, The Remedy, this saturday (29 / 09 / 2012) Stuff I`ve found over the last 6 months - local FM (8 - 9 PM Japanese Time) - Midday in the UK (1 PM in Europe) - on Karuizawa FM - to stream you need to click on web radio - then chose the first option - インタ-ネトdeラジオ - the shows are archived on Samurai.FM the following week here and you can find the Facebook page here.