Bohren Und Der Club Of Gore
Piano Nights

Chet Baker more than almost blue. Deckard`s noir. Cheap whiskey in a shot glass in a rundown part of town. Michael Fassbender losing his grip in Steve McQueen`s “Shame”. Greater than loneliness, past despair. Hardened. Tough. Single-minded. Resigned. A Jóhann Jóhannsson brass requiem. Arvo Part for a silent film. Chaplin in a painted frown. When all your options look like a loaded gun. Rust Cohle for a bartender.
A Rust Cohle on his day off. Thursdays. Allowing himself the weakness of remembering. Letting her in to class up the joint.
Her shape. Her face. Her smile. Her left eye as it filled to let a tear fall. A silhouette against sodium at the cracks in a motel blind. Cool silk and surrender. The wrong thing feeling so right.
“Don`t turn on the light. I can only do this in the dark.”
The way her back arched. The sound of her breath. Enough to be getting on with. Wicked games. Played out.