Booshank Couch Acid Picks His Top Ten Couch Acid Moments

Words by Apiento
Couch Acid, Booshank

Couch Acid - ran by Booshank - is a Melbourne-based cassette and digital label specialising in hand-made house sounds and more... They released a couple of tidy things towards the end of last year and they've got a new tape out soon by Quaid (they describe it as sounding like "Vangelis composed the score for a heartbroken weekend in a Laos opium den" which sounds ace) and head honcho Booshank has a release coming on Butter Sessions in the middle of the year titled "Operating With A Blown Mind". So, just (basically) because they are called Couch Acid we thought it'd be rude not to ask them for their ten favourite (you can see where this one is going) couch acid moments. Bangers. Oh and before you scroll down here's their Bandcamp page. Over to Booshank.

Dr Octagon – No Awareness

Kool Keith blew my pubescent mind with the first Dr Octagon record. Dan The Automator at the top of his game too. Rap sounded different after I heard this.

Dennis Garcia – You Can Be Anything

Australian private-press space disco. NHJ of the early 2000’s Mechanoid parties dug this LP up and did a reissue of the song ‘Door to Dimension 4’ on his M-Division label. This one’s great too. He and I tried to do an edit of it for the release but it’s too, er, wobbly.

Pink Floyd - Astronomy Dominee

I don’t know how or why but my mum has Pink Floyd’s Ummagumma in her collection. I found it in there when I was 15. Then I started hanging out with guys who had long hair and smelled “funny”. I think this album taught me something about giving yourself space to freak it out when it feels right.

Heiroglyphic Being – Space is the place (But We Stuck Here On Earth)­­

Try listen to this all the way through and not fall over. Impossible to pick just one of his records for this list. I’d love to spend a day in the studio with Jamal Moss, or maybe do something on Couch Acid with him.

Sleep D – Velvet Vortex (Sleep D Bud Dub Version)

I asked Corey of Sleep D “how the hell did you make that record?”. He said “oh it’s just the space echo”. Thanks mate, very insightful. If this went for 20 minutes I’d still want it longer. Get lost in the velvet vortex.

Cru Servers – Dorito Rock

This record floored me, still does many listens later. Nothing in my collection sounds like this. All the sounds are recognisable, but there’s something about the way the whole record swells and shrinks that’s kind of unsettling. I usually hide under the couch when this one’s on.

Dan White – Ghost Train

It’s hard to pick something from Rory’s back-catalogue: super high quality of output, lots of good choices. This one was on repeat in my head for months. I’m excited to see what the future holds for this guy.

Underworld – Winjer

Beacoup Fish is one of the first electronic albums I listened to. This track and the opener Cups really got my attention. I’m a big sad-sack so this really resonated with me. The drums sound so melancholy on their own at the end.

Humate & Rabbit in the Moon – West

Not surprisingly this sound is back in vogue, but now you’ve got to add “but not trance” when you talk about your trance records. This one sounds amazing on a big PA. Flip this on 33 and watch your dog climb the walls.

Imhotep – Funky Wet Sphynx

Imhotep and Luis CL as Zanzibar Chanel were so out there. Their live shows are the stuff of legend. Dig around on youtube and you’ll see what I mean. I’m not sure if Imhotep is still making music. I hope he is.

Thanks to Paul "Booshank" Graham.

The Five Senses


Test Pressing Party
Phil Mison
Music From The Caf
