On The Corner

Upright bass, modal horns, woodwinds, and Afro percussion. Like Mop Mop but more spiritual, cosmic. I didn`t know that people made records like this anymore.
Players miked so close that you can hear the intake of breath. Tuareg Psyche tunings. Kel Tamashek dervishes turning. A nocturnal Tom Waits, still drinking, still believing in the glamour of the great American drunk. Pulling on trouble`s braids. Two dollar pistols. Jockeys full of Bourbon. Moonlight striped by the bars of a Cuban jail. Hard Bop trumpet on funky Lagos roads. Honking marches that evolve into high-pitched stampedes. Fire escape shadows cast on West Side stories. Benzedrine fuelled poets and chancers, all dreamers, writing of the night, the excitement, of possibility. Kaa-like arabesques. New Orleans Voduon hallucinations. A screaming guitar freakout.
On the remix front, both of which I think are only available digitally, Al Dobson Jr. `s herbal infusion has the studio kind cloudy, the stink of skunk sunk in “Agama”`s groove, trodding, as Fela jams with Ra, while Antoine Abayomi revs “Archaic Morning” into a carnival jump-up that wouldn`t be out of place on Auntie Flo.
You can buy the digital over at Bandcamp.