Eric Duncan
Dr Dunks
Rub N Tug
Golf Channel

Where are you based?
New York.
Is this your hometown?
No. I`m from Los Angeles, California. A neighbourhood called Atwater.
What is your first musical memory?
There was always music at the house. Hundreds of records in the living room and people over listening to music, drinking and carrying on. My parents were young so I spent time in bars when the only entertainment was pinball & jukeboxes, 1970's. My mom would give me quarters and I would go choose the tunes. Early DJing I guess.
What was the first record you bought?
I remember this. It was 1983 and I was 12 years old. I rode my bike up to Rainbow Records, I think it`s still there but has moved across the street, and bought The Clash's “Combat Rock” & The Specials first LP. I got them to play at my 6th grade graduation party. Another early DJ experience..

What was the last record you bought?
A new one at Phonica last week in London. I bought a few but don't recall the names. One sounded Italian with a colorful jacket.
What inspired you to start DJing / making music?
There wasn't just one thing that I can pinpoint. I have always loved music. It`s a big part of me. Also the scenes that come from certain music is inspiring, alternative, underground. That`s the best.
How long have you been DJing / making music?
I first tried DJing over at Paul T.'s (Sarcastic Disco Los Angeles) house back in I think 1985 or 86. He had a whole set up at his house. Old Technics 200s maybe? And an old Gemini mixer. We were skateboarding during the day then drinking and DJing or going to parties at night. But I got away from it for a while, then back into it in the early 90s. The first tune I ever did was with Jason Drummond aka DJ Spun. We called ourselves How & Why. The tune is called “Cruising” featuring Steven Hall & Danny Wang. This was 2003 I think. Before that I had done a couple disco edits with Thomas Bullock.
There`s a lot there in those answers. Eric, how did you meet Paul T?
I met Paul at our skateboard ramp in L.A. in 1985.
How about Jason?
I knew Jason's twin brother, Donovan, first, who is a seriously talented visual artist. And then when Jason first moved to nyc, we linked up right away and hung out just about every night for a month or so. I cant remember what year that was, it`s all a blur.
How did you meet Danny Wang?
I don`t remember exactly how I met Danny. Just in the scene Downtown. We became friends through music I guess, and we also both worked at A1 Records together for a while.
How did you come to have Steven Hall guest on your first record?
Danny brought Steven to the session. I think they were a thing at the time.
How did you meet Thomas Bullock?
I met Thomas with Harvey in Los Angeles. Paul T. was the first person to bring Harvey to L.A. in 1997. At that time about 3 people in L.A. knew who Harvey was, so Paul needed a name that would draw a crowd to the party. Thomas is part of the Wicked Crew who are legend on the West Coast, so Paul decided to have Thomas on the bill to warm up for Harv. Also the before mentioned Donovan did the visuals at that party. Funny, its all going in circles. Anyway, I flew from NYC to attend this fiesta and met Thomas there who was also living in NYC. We then started hanging out back in New York. We did our first gig together in 1998 and the rest is...
How would you describe your sound?
Which production / remix are you most proud of?
I think the one I just finished for Bryan Ferry's classic “Don't Stop the Dance”, but maybe it's my fave cuz its fresh in my brain.
Which production / remix would you most like to have done?
Oh I don't know. I'd love a crack at all those old 70's records.
What are your favourite places to play / hang out in?
Place to play is Japan. Hang out? It's more the company for me. The location can vary.
What is it that you like about playing in Japan?
The freedom. You can really do / play anything you want and it's appreciated and accepted. Nobody requests, nobody leaves because it`s not what they expected. Pure freedom.
Do you get to play over here often?
Yes. I have been there just about every year since 1996. Sometimes twice a year and even 3 times one year.
Do you get to play a lot of places outside of the US?
Yea. I mostly DJ in Europe and the UK. Maybe once a month in New York. which is crazy. I used to DJ 5 to 7 nights a week in NYC 10 years ago. I miss doing my weekly Saturdays.
What is your favourite place outside of a bar / club / record shop?
Home with my lady.
Do you see yourself as part of any scene?
Probably at one point I was or am. Not sure.
Do Sarcastic or Golf Channel represent a scene?
The Sarcastic scene & the Golf Channel scene I guess.

Which artists are you currently working with?
I am currently doing things with Dean Meredith(Chicken Lips)and we calling ourselves “The Rhythm Odyssey & Dr. Dunks”, also Thomas Bullock and I aka Rub N Tug have been fairly active of late. Doing a thing with Justin V., Pete Z, Jonny Sender(Konk) and A-Ron(aNYthing/OhWOW).
I love Konk. How did you come to work with Jonny Sender?
I knew Jonny from his DJing when I first moved to NYC. Over the years we kept in contact. He lives in Switzerland now. I had this idea for 2 tracks and thought of him straight away to play guitar. He ended up playing guitar and bass on both tunes.
Can you tell me more about A-Ron and OhWow? I checked the site and it looks really interesting.
Aaron is an old friend. We met right when I moved to NYC in early 1996 and are still friends and still active in various projects together. He's heavy in the Art scene these days. We are doing a "pirate" internet radio show called "Know-Wave Radio". Aaron is an original supporter of Rub-N-Tug from day one and helped produce our first mix CD “Live At Rui's” which is a mix of a few of the original R`N`T loft parties from around the turn of the century.
Who would you most like to work with?
I don't know. Never thought about it.
Does playing and making music pay the rent?
What sites, if any, do you regularly check on-line?
FaceBook, LA & NY Times, various blogs.
What was the last book you read?
Ace Frehley “No Regrets”.
What is your favourite book?
I don't read enough to have one.
What was the last film you saw?
Well, does it count if it's on an airplane? That's where I catch most my movies. Or at home with my girlfriend. We did recently go to the cinema to see “Django Unchained” and it was brilliant.
What is your favourite film?
The quick answer is “The Godfather”.
What is your favourite piece of music? If that`s too difficult, what`s your current favourite piece of music?
I really love music. So I can't pick a fave. This is it's own discussion entirely. I can't pinpoint one tune at the moment.
Can you name 3 records for sunset / sunrise?
Here it is in action. Around 6:30 AM in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, 1st of January 2013.
Can you name 3 records to start a party?
Any 3 James Brown records.