Mr. Bongo

Words by Dr Rob
Test Pressing, Review, Dr Rob, Mr Bongo, Brazil 45s, Georgette, Kirie

Mr. Bongo have four new Brazilian 45s up for sale. Split 7s between Sonia Santos, Joao Donato (the source of that old Patrick Pulsinger / iO sample), Wilson Simonal, Osmar Milito, Elizeth Cardoso, Eliza Soares, Claudia, and pick of the bunch for me, this by Georgette. Very big at my mountain hideaway right now.

Test Pressing, Review, Dr Rob, Mr Bongo, Brazil 45s, Georgette, Kirie
Nils Frahm
Live At The Roundhouse
May 2015


La Casa Al Mare
This Astro E.p.
