Headbangers Ball
Contort Yourself

Words by Lj Horstman

As a partially reformed metalhead they had me with the title, but a first listen on a hangover (inflicted on me by a metal bar) suggested I’d bitten off more than I could chew with From Heavy Metal Bashing to Leisure Pursuits. Turned out that a dull ache behind the eyes placed me in the perfectly vulnerable state to accept this EP of warped slammers from Glasgow label Contort Yourself.

First up Eindkrak’s ‘Shawarma’ summons distant groans and subterranean rumbling over a tough electro roller. If you dig the murkier end of London’s Scientific Dreamz of U, those killer June releases (represses please!) or tune into Elena Colombi’s essential NTS show, this is going to be right up your Straße. This is industrial, more metal in an Einstürzende Neubauten sort of way than say wearing armour onstage.

A2 blows the dust off Andromeda Complex's ‘The Servant’, body music slammed onto cassette back in 1994 and served up today with a healthy layer of lint still intact. Heavy on the downstrokes, warped vowel sounds and beat repeats, think one of Raudive’s EVP recordings riding the weirder moments of Burrell Brothers. GDL's fizzy box jam '4' is a strong close to a side that leaves the B in the shade a little, but opting to cleverly sequence old material next to new productions they manage to work the same thread throughout.

Next up Contort Yourself promise a lively double LP of 80s cassette music that includes Merzbow and Software (?!) - bang that head that does not bang.

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