Mambo Ep
Catune Records

This one is out tomorrow (it's these new Europe-wide release dates) so it seems fitting to review it. Slovenian producer Ichisan is back with a new EP for the Japanese label Catune Records. Three tracks of super nice production ranging from an uptempo Scando-Disco stomper named "Fantazjia" on the a side through to our favourites on the flip, "Mambo and "Novi Svet". "Mambo" come across like an old Italian house record in a modern fashion which seems easy to do but hard to get right in practice with a funky little keyboard line guaranteed to work at the right places with "Novi Svet" bringing up the rear in a sunset fashion. Basically a tidy 12 with something for everyone. Have a listen below...
The Mambo EP is out August 28th on Catune Records and you can get the record from Juno here.