Luke Wyatt
Teen Hawk
Emotional Response
A church organ leads into tremolo groans. A requiem for the last of a Maryland Spring`s fireflies. Summer put paid. An old super 8 home movie. The silent smiles of children at play captured and held in faded colour. Beat box driven. Broken clockwork.
Tumbling mercury. Forgotten fairgrounds. A dawn deserted carnival. Rides abandoned. Cotton candy longing, and spent balloons.
Two copies of “Electric Counterpoint” cut up. Techno Funk worn thin by the weather, masked by the patina of time. Lanois` Louisiana ice. Nurse With Wound`s sewing machine. The “House” of Colonge`s Magazine. Goodiepal and Gamers In Exile Electro.
Emotional Response does the same to Luke Wyatt, the artist known as Torn Hawk, as they did to Eddie Rushca, the artist known as Secret Circuit, and rifle around in his box of old cassettes to put together a comprehensive overview of early work. The resulting collection is a set of modern hallucinatory abstraction that is the perfect partner and follow up to last year`s “Tropical Psychedelics”.
Emotional Response can be found here.