Mike Lundy
The Rhythm Of Life
Aloha Got Soul

Honolulu-based label Aloha Got Soul launches on January 31st with a re-issue of two tracks from Nu‘uanu musician Mike Lundy`s sought after LP “The Rhythm Of Life”. The label is a logical progression for the website of the same name, run passionately by Roger Bong, focused on “Hawaiian Funk, Soul, and beyond”.
Hawaiian music, of a more traditional kind has always been a big seller in Japan, but the popularity of “Island Funk” here rests largely on a 2009 mix put together by legendary digger and DJ, Muro. A mix that includes names like Mike Lundy, Greenwood, Lemuria, and plunder from KKUA records “Homegrown” series (that also recently spawned Athens Of The North`s re-issue of Nohelani Cypriano`s “Lihue”), like Marvin Franklin`s “Kona Winds”.
When I complimented Roger on the label`s logo he told me, “The music of our islands is one, regardless of genre or generation. It quickly became evident that the wave provides the perfect symbol for this, for every wave in the ocean is connected”.

To a London ear, Mike Lundy`s music slots right into the (rare) groove of James Mason`s “Sweet Power, Your Embrace”, Gary Bartz` “Music Is My Sanctuary”, Leon Ware, and Wornell Jones. The sound of The Africa Centre`s Sunday Night People, hanging out, looking at each other, knowing that something was happening.

You can find an interview with Mike Lundy over at the Aloha Got Soul website plus details of release parties that will be held in Honolulu, London, and Chicago. Wax Poetics have signed copies to give away to a lucky few, while you can order directly here.