Paul Voudouris
Chris Spheeris - Passage 1982

Words by Lj Horstman

This came up the other day on a rip of Hearts of Space radio episode 047, called 'Enchanter's Isle' (♥) from probably 1983 or 4. A beautiful, contemplative album by Milwaukee musicians Chris Spheeris and Paul Voudouris entitled Passage, recorded and released in 1982 via Epiphany records. Special music this, so I got in touch with Paul, who immediately responded with some background on the recording and a few snaps. Long out-of-print and fetching some $$ second hand, it's a Youtube link for the listen and make sure to check out Paul's words below.

"Chris and I were approached by a company doing biofeedback therapy to help people who were suffering from nervous disorders. They asked if we could create an aural work to assist in that process. We spent a long time using diagrams and drawings indicating frequencies and how the journey would unfold (in a visual sense) before we even sat down to play instruments or record. We knew we wanted to start the record with high, rapidly moving sequences to bring in the listener from his "nervous" state, and then slowly change the soundscape to lower, slower pulses of sound. We spent months in the planning stages and brought in a friend Vince Andrae, who was an avid analog synth musician, to add his many instruments to the colors. We booked one day of studio time and played everything live, no overdubs. As the equipment was limited, when I needed a delay on a synth (and no delay was available) I would program a very slow intermittent modulation to create the effect of a delay. Other notes on synths were taped down to maintain a drone as additional keyboards were played. By the end of the day the album had been recorded and mixed. It was pressed into an LP within a few weeks and released to the company and the public in 1982.

Many years later, Chris and I pulled out the analog tapes and remixed it in our home studios in order to be able to release it as a CD. Lately, people from all over the world have been writing to purchase the very few vinyl copies that remain. I still listen to this record on an almost daily basis."

Paul Voudouris 2017

Sincere thanks to Paul - you can keep up with him at his website here and Chris here.

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