Magik Sunset Part 2

Psychemagik`s collections for Leng, “Magik Cyrkles”, Magik Sunrise”, “Magik Sunset Part 1” and now “Part 2” are the very antithesis of Cherrystones` recent “Critical Mass” on Touch Sensitive. “Critical Mass” set out to illuminate the obscure, but deliberately shone a spot on forgotten gems that you could readily pick up for pennies. Everything on “Magik Sunset Part 2” could only be classified as RARE (making hen`s teeth & rocking horse shit appear commonplace), with the bulk of the selections having disappeared into the realms of myth. The cheapest “available” OG here would set you back 50 Euros, the other four with copies currently for sale on-line would stretch you to 80 – 250 notes (for a 7”). The rest, well it weren’t for Discogs you could be forgiven for thinking that Danny & Tom had made them up.
Scottish composers, German orchestras, French accordionists, Italian Library legends, and Brazilian Reggae. Vocoders, keyboard wizards, electronic Waltzes, Neil Young wannabes and heavy axe solos. Kosmische Disco Exotica, European imaginings of jungle climes, bubbling synths, Flamenco epics and Easy-Listening. Chugging Cosmic Funk and break-laden Jazz-Rock Prog noodling. You`d probably never find all of these records and you`d certainly never be able to do it for 30 Euros. I`d pay a whole lot more than that just for the Jack Adkins.
You can check Leng over here.