Pussy Mothers
Number 1 E.p.

Electronic Punk Funk from Glasgow`s Green Door Studio that borrows Sal Principato`s cowbell and “Blackbeard” Bovell`s mix. Comparisons with those other Green Door / Optimo alumni, Golden Teacher, are inevitable, but Pussy Mothers, on record at least, are nowhere near as deranged. Instead they Jack like No Zu to the rhythm of pitched down House, or Mark Kamins` Funhouse on Seconal or Nembutal instead of that dust. A touch of “Salsa Smurph” in the bass-lines and a tad Luscious Jackson / The Phenomenal Handclap Band / Cindy Ecstasy non-stop-erotic-dancing in their rap. The flute on “Echo Party” gives it a “Jazzy” tone, perhaps The Flying Lizards with the Rough Trade of Weekend, or The Raincoats. “Get From In Front Of Me” grinds slowly with the sleaze of other former label mates, Organs Of Love. Vocals stuttering like a dirty pair of Nu Shooz. “Rap Machine”`s beats are scratched into feedback drone, harp samples, and a lyric like Gysin`s blade on a diary page.