
“Wings” is the part of AR Kane that dated dangerous girls. Winkie girls. Alex and Rudi with better manners, the muscle of Tortoise or Slint, and a broken heart. A guitar line descends, traces the fall. Floating Points syncopates shadow. Sadness in zero gravity. Is Dream Pop just Post-Rock with an angel singing the Blues?
Emotion rings, chimes. Memory, painful, hidden, rendered subliminal, bounces off broken mirrors. Unsure of what you`ve just seen. “LDN GRL” is Arto Lindsay`s “Ondina” at the end of her tether. The samba become psychotic. A bedroom trashed in expensive underwear. The point of breakdown.
The Invisible`s LP “Rispah” previewed on Soundcloud

Cos / Mes up their tempo, the trance, the ritual more implicit. Torn Sail at 45, the sweetness exchanged for urgency. The noise in your head like the drug-induced spectre you can`t shake. Alice down the rabbit hole. Microdots through a Hammersmith letter box. Kinda claustrophobic. Anyone got any Benadryl?
Jonny Nash`s “Cosmic Fandango” has the lover overheard in Vangelis` “Good To See You” get it on with Seigen Ono`s “Julia” while Cerrone`s Brigade Mondaine crush pills into the drinks and take polaroids.
Rune & Oyvind set up a barbeque on the beach, both too pissed to cook, but no one`s here for the food anyhow. It`s all about the horns, and the swing. Melody suggested by random sounds, swirling happily around. How to deconstruct, subvert, the Pop song.
Tracks from these EPs can be heard on my radio show, The Remedy this Saturday – local FM (8 – 9 PM Japanese Time) – Midday in the UK (1 PM in Europe) – on Karuizawa FM – to stream you need to click on web radio – then chose the first option – インタ-ネトdeラジオ – the shows are archived on Samurai.FM the following week here and you can find the Facebook page here.