From The Vaults Vol 2
European Carryall
Following hot on the heels of 'From the Vaults Volume One', Telephones spoils us by opening up his European carryall and blessing us with its sequel. Same deal as before, early works from the artist as a young man are 'salvaged, exported and meticulously overdubbed, re-recorded and edited to current high standards of Telephonic Communication'.
What these 3 tracks have really managed to capture (Henning being a very proficient producer indeed, notwithstanding) is that sheer giddy JOY and excitement of the early days of musical discovery. Yes, these records are somewhat naive and innocent but all the better for them. As we get older, we second guess ourselves, question and obsess over our choices and become somewhat jaded maybe. Would Henning today have a game pop at the UKG genre, broadly fail and yet come up with something as lovable and goofy as 'Nation Of Rythms' (sic)? Maybe not....
A-side 'Rieber' is described by the man himself as 'bipolar Detroit techno/bongo-disco' which I guess is as good as description as any. There's a real thrill to the slight looseness of the samples and playing here - such a refreshing antidote to todays over-quantised Ableton joy suckers. This is also unashamedly happy, uppy stuff, with the onus very much upon warmth and groove.
'Mariner' rides a breakbeat bumping along under garage type stabs and a familiar breathy vocal sample. It's just as kooky, endearing and welcoming as its siblings on this wonderful slab of wax. Do we get volume three, please?
'From the Vaults Vol-2' is out on the 30th of April on European Carryall