The Pilotwings
Animals Dancing
Lyon's The Pilotwings have turned their hands to many of yesteryear's zanier dance music crazes. Respect to all ravers madness through to a kind of tongue in cheek yacht rock, all though retaining an inimitable feel of their own. Such serious goofing is a match made in heaven for Melbourne's Animals Dancing gang. Being, as they are, specialists in the 'dumb banger' (generally a *little* bit cleverer than they let on).
This time we're talking trance and the 'Wings pick up the genre and gleefully run amok with it. Their definition of 'trance' is pretty catholic tbh and all the more fun for it.
'Trance En Aurabac' actually feels more akin to the Chemical Brothers at first - big drums, a cheeky vocal sample, that kind of Skidoo bassline and heavy synth squiggling. Followed up by guitars, reverbed acid, panpipes - they pretty much throw the kitchen sink at this one. On paper this sounds... ummmm.. confusing. In your ears it's a wonderful big old load of big room mayhem.
'Yakado' sticks more closely to the genre's signifiers. A one-note bassline, a racing pulse, breathy strings and YES the drum roll!
'Future Glouglou' glides forth on a two-stepping rhythm, fairly over-the-top atmospherics and that picky kind of synth that has done so much damage in the wrong hands. Not here though. No sir. These boys are good.
My favourite comes last in the shape of 'Gig in the Ocean', ostensibly the slow jam although it gallops into some sort of double time steppers thing. We also have a brief sighting of the didgeridoo not seen since Animals Dancing 001. Once again the synths are bright, present and correct and the production pristine. A unique closer for a uniquely wild and good-time EP. 14/10
'Psytube' is out on 22nd February on Animals Dancing