The System
Music From Memory

Music From Memory`s essential 12" series continues with an E.P. of material from the archives of Birmingham`s electronics pioneers, The System. Music I was tipped off to by Antinote`s Syracuse, when the duo selected “Vampirella”, a prophetic, percussive, surf-sampling, sublime, sought-after, shot of Proto-Techno for their “Three For Sunrise / Sunset”. “Vampirella” and its companion piece, “Pendy! You`re In Some Awful Danger” - effectively a beatless intro of synth and guitar ambience - make up one side of this E.P. The other by contrast contains two tracks of big-drummed `80s A.O.R. that navigate the fine high wire of “Balearic Marmite”, but which I know will become anthems in discerning circles, as huge for example as Flyer`s “Get Back Your Love”. “Almost Grown” pits its emotions against a “5 O`Clock” in the morning bass-line. “Find It In Your Eyes” raps heartbreak with Mike Francis in The Rock Bar, at the start of another night, another search for the one.

“The System E.P.” reached Japan`s shores, and I`m guessing most shops, last week. You can order a copy directly from MFM here.