Asking For Help

Words by Apiento
Torchlight, Magazine, asking for help, depression, practice cards, help, happiness is just around the bend

A friend of the family, journalist Kevin Braddock, has done something quite brilliant and created a publication about "asking for help" which writes about depression, anxiety, breakdown and recovery. Its a place creative folk and musicians are often susceptible to so we thought it relevant to us.

As Kevin explains...

"It’s a bit like a book, a bit like a magazine, but above all it’s a story. Torchlight comes with packs of Practice Cards, which show helpful suggestions on living with mental illness. There are two kinds of cards - yellow “Action” cards which are things to do, physical activities and so on, and blue “Idea” cards which are things to meditate on and visualise. Shuffle the pack, pick two, and try to do one every day. Practice Cards are a way of making a game out of getting better."

Torchlight, Magazine, asking for help, depression, practice cards, help, happiness is just around the bend

Kevin created and made this project as a way of talking openly about these issues, and as a way to help others deal with them. There will be further volumes of the publication and the cards in the future. In the meantime Braddock has been presenting the project at small, low-key storytelling events in London and Berlin - Firegazing meetings - and will be holding more of these over the coming months.

The publication and cards can be ordered HERE from, and it’s also available at Magculture in London and Do You Read Me?! in Berlin. Torchlight are also on Instagram as torchlight_system.

It's pure positive change.

Torchlight, Magazine, asking for help, depression, practice cards, help, happiness is just around the bend
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