Stranger Still
Easy Sound

Words by Dr Rob
Test Pressing, Review, Dr Rob, Vetiver, Stranger Still, Easy Sound, Daniel T, Distant Works, L.A., Far Away

The original plays like sunlight on closed eyelids, dappling them with sunspots, and warm waking dreams of imagined horizons and wide open spaces. A kind of Americana, like Jonathan Wilson after a night at Amnesia, inspired, hooking his Folk up to machines, chasing Adonis` hypnotic rhythms but instead ending up with a Pop whose good vibes ensure it an invite to the dance anyhow.

L.A.`s Daniel T steps up for a remix, Mr. T being Cooper Saver`s partner in the Distant Works label, which still shimmers and shines, now attached to a sturdy 4 / 4. Its groove spaced-out, but its sinew stiffened. Its bass line mutating, giving off coloured neon in strobes. Still a song of sunrises, the sax and New Order guitar scratch of the original replaced by Disco lasers sharpshooting through fractals.

Digital is here and vinyl can be pre-ordered here.

Rough Trade Magazine
Issue 1


