Coming up soon is the World Unknown 10th birthday. Mr Blake, as many of you know, throws a good party and this one should be exceptional. To get ore of a feel for this we asked him for a playlist of ten (he sent 11) tracks from the party. Here's what we got. Jacking.

Botany 5 - Love Bomb (Slam Mix)
Part of the the warm up sessions at the earliest WU’s at the arch and back in heavy rotation again. In truth like most of my favourite records it’s always likely to get a spin when circumstances allow.
Rare Earth - Get Ready
Probably the best thing about having your own party to dj at is that you can be as self-indulgent as you like and for me that’s usually dropping 20 minute multi-phase belters like this at peak time after some sledgehammer techno has got everyone nicely warmed up for what's about to happen to them.
Flowered Up - Weekender
Same as the one above really in terms of me being self-indulgent. Of course the Weatherall versions have had an outing or two over the years but it’s the og that has really taken things for a ride above the clouds on more than one occasion.
Funk 198 - Charlie’s Concept
One of those that always does it wherever and whenever. Usually sounds best with the brakes applied at about minus 4 but it's nice that it's got the pace to duke it out with the proper galloping techno horses in the right situation.
Axe Corner - Tortuga
Wobbly Italo techno that I bought from Flying a number of decades ago on recommendation of Mr Phil Perry. Only 3 minutes or so long and doesn’t fuck about one bit.
Abba - The Visitors
Let’s just say it sounds epic up loud in a room full of smoke and sweat and leave things there. Actually let's not. Seeing Ollie and Will from Bahamian Moor losing their shit to this doing that fly as you like running man dance of theirs will live with me way past most other things.
I have very fond memories of playing this at an early WU awayday at breathtaking volume levels and accompanied by so much smoke that i was asked to tone it down a bit on all fronts because a few people were getting really scared. Moments like that make it all worthwhile.
FGTH - Welcome Pleasure Fix
For me this is the version, most likely cos I played every single version to death in my room when i was 13/14 and wore the Hollyness of all the others out a bit. Stripped of all the vocals it just climbs and climbs and climbs. And then that bit near the end when it feels like you’re running down a hill so fast that you take off.
Amina Ladina - Anima Ladina
Jerky slo-motion tribal techno from Italy that I often take great delight in jack-knifing into a groove a good 20-30 bpm faster just so I can see who has survived the collision and come up smiling.
Madelaine Chartrand - Ani Kuni
We’re into the last hour or so at the arch in years 2 to 3 and things are starting to get interesting. Sometimes this one causes religious experiences, other times it just reminds everyone that they really need a piss.
Rune Lindbaek - Junta Jaegar
This was the official last record for ages. Good King Rune stacks all kinds of epic on top of that Bill Withers break.
Annihilation - Eastern Bliss (Soundclash Systems Mix)
Re the last tune Andy says, "It would be beyond rude not to include one by our esteemed guest at the birthday party (Fabi Paras - Ed), especially considering how many hours of the WU communion he's soundtracked over the last decade. I have very fond memories of playing this at an early WU awayday at breathtaking volume levels and accompanied by so much smoke that i was asked to tone it down a bit on all fronts because a few people were getting really scared. Moments like that make it all worthwhile."
For more information on this party head to this link and get involved.