Gigi Masin & Jonny Nash ‘Postcards From Nowhere’ (Melody As Truth)

If you know either Jonny Nash or Gig Masin (which I guess you do if you read Test Pressing) then you’ll half know what to expect here. Quiet simplicity of melody via Gigi crossed with atmosphere and pedal guitar genius from Jonny Nash.
The introductory ‘Butterfly’s Tale’ opens proceedings with a piano melody and ambient sound from Mr Nash. ‘Interstellar’ follows suite with a longer exploration of the same theme. Gigi’s piano playing a melodic theme whilst Jonny gentle pushes the strings of his guitar through delays before notes and runs appear and the track piano quietly fades out to the sound of the bowed fx. ‘Astro’ provides an aural walk around the studio while vibes, plucked strings, drones and crackles accompany proceedings.

‘The Sea In Your Eyes’ feels very classic in its sonic palette. A repeating piano melody plays while guitars loop and roll in the foreground while ‘Girl With No Name’ picks up on the cinematic feel of the previous track though with a more emotional run of melody for both musicians. ‘Postcards From Nowhere’ closes proceedings – a drifting float with the same ambient atmospheres explored in ‘Astro’. Someone walks, in the background you hear bowed strings before they come to the fore pushed through the mix.
You can hear Jonny responding to Gigi’s melodies as these tracks develop and the tape runs. In your mind imagine the sound of Wyndham Hill meeting John Martyn’s opium dub delays and you have the right idea of the music held here. Two very talented musicians connecting on a plain of sound in a space together.

Not only is this very beautiful in its musical delivery this record is probably one of the most treasurable things you will own this year if you choose to purchase. It comes in a specifically made blacker than thou cardboard mailer made with recycled coffee cups by paper legends G.F.Smith with a statement on the cover saying, “This product was conceived to spontaneously connect musician, image
maker, designer and print atelier. The result is a record that celebrates process and collaboration; not only as an aural form but equally as a visual and tactile experience”. The record itself is housed in a gorgeous sleeve with a hit of internal fluoro colour and bespoke inner that has a cotton / paper texture added. If you want to feel atmosphere in design this is it. A symbiotic marriage of music, design and production and all over just a very very beautiful thing. Fine work all.

‘Postcards From Nowhere’ is released today and available to buy HERE.