To say Basso is an expert on onions would be to do the man a disservice. If you peel back the layers of, his Growing Bin website the chances are you’ll get sucked into a wormhole of musical discovery that will certainly create a vacuum in the bank balance. His modus is to not sell anything he wouldn’t buy himself, and given the exquisite taste on show, that’s as good a sign of quality as can be had.
Beginning life as a blog, then morphing into an online store, before adding a label of the same name, GB has steadily released some outstanding records since its inception. Reissues as well as original and new material from the likes of Andras Fox (under his A.R.T. Wilson moniker), Moon B, W. Barthel, M. Böhm & R. Bauer, Double Geography and Santilli to name but a few have graced the label. With those names comes as varied a genre hop as imaginable, taking in everything from balearic pop (for the clouds) to music for dance and music described as ‘floating forever’.
So after a brief hiatus, Growing Bin is now back with their 45th, this time by Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova. It’s an eight tracker, collectively called ‘Imena Rek’. The duo have put together a set that has some familiar blissed out sounds, but are also layered with a contemporary, folkloric, pastoral vibe so those echoes of the past completely draw the listener into its swirling mists.
‘Pozhaluysta’ begins with stuttering drums with gossamer voiced sounds that interplay while spacious guitar and woodwind elements balance the tune, a suitably engaging opener. The haunting drone at the centre of ‘Osvobodi Menia’ centres the track while building, shuffling drums surround it, before breaking into a beautifully held vocal section that ends in a solo to silence that’s completely right. Next up, "Ya Tebia Zhdala" takes a more conventional drum pattern and sung loop, it’s a step change in relative intensity that is then balanced nicely with what follows, ‘O Dereve’. This time there’s a more fragile overall feel, despite some serious choppy guitarwork early doors.
The title track is a real standout, just verging on a perfect downbeat pop sensibility but with edge and bite to counter any incidental but not unwelcome sweetness. It’s got closing credit greatness in its veins. ‘Rany’ takes another turn in this luscious forested pathway of goodness, this time in a more tropical direction. Ominous drums and fearful voices and swirling electronics keep this one close to the edge. Final double header of ‘Smeshno’ and ‘Iskra’ manage to level off the intensity of what has come before. The former’s organic gentleness countered by the lush uplift of the latter with its subtle flute and liquid percussion.
‘Imena Rek’ is an immersive record, full of hidden delights, like an altitudinous mountain climb, crossing and absorbing the terrains and climates at each level, opening up into something new and pretty wonderful with every step.
Gosha Martynov & Natasha Sinyakova - Imena Rek is available on 15 November via Growing Bin’s website and via various good good record shops.
Vinyl via Growing Bin site here