The big hitters are coming in thick and fast for the holiday season. Blink and it’ll be here, so time to ensure the requisite floor bothering goodness is ready and available. Worry not, Parkway have come correct, with this latest one by a certain Trey Risque. It’s a four tracker with new versions of ‘Search the Nite’, that manage to squeeze yet more funk from this Parkway Jams cut by way of the ‘Tapedup Mix’ and its partner in crime, the sharp as you like ‘Razor Beats’ DJ tool. Meanwhile, new track ‘Desire’ nudges the Parkway sound into another intriguing, but distinctly danceable path.

‘Desire’ saturates with a keyboard drench and forthright French voice front and centre. It’s from that foundation that the two mixes diverge. On the ‘Hearts Burn Mix’, cowbells add to the vibe over casually driving synth lines and a completely playful swerving central breakdown. Make no mistake, this is a lot of fun, both in the house and the club. ‘Trey’s Favourite Mix’ rearranges things altogether, this time really making the keys the star and maybe creating a bit of a situation in the process.

‘Search the Nite (Tapedup Mix)’ keeps the freestyle feel of the original and its staccato vocal hook. However on this excursion, Trey opens up the spaces in between, upping the electro elements and loops into something with a more emotional feel to the original’s more visceral nature. The ‘Razor Beats’ are Nakiri sharp, and by absolutely honing the tune down to its core elements, its sliced for maximum impact. Essential as always. Treat yourself to an early festive gift from the Parkway camp but don’t wait to open it.
Available to pre-order via Rubadub and Juno and direct from Parkway.