Various Artists ‘Chill Pill’ (Public Possession)
In which a gang of prodigiously talented young(ish) producers reimagine an Ibiza that is, sadly, mostly, long since gone. Yes, Public Possession have dropped a high concept compilation album based around a nostalgic re-remembering of the white isle. Ostensibly this album was made in response to Marvin and Valentino's friends from the Eivissa Gardening & Recreation Center's request for a soundtrack to their idyllic (and possibly fictitious) haven. So all the gang are here.... from Public Possession stalwarts like Bell Towers, Obalski and Møzaika, kindred spirits Tornado Wallace and Sui Zhen plus a couple of newcomers to the PP universe - Bullion and Aksel & Aino.
All step up to the plate and by and large knock it out of the park. None more so than Bell Towers who makes the tune it feels like he was pretty much born to. Yes, an autotuned deadpan cover version of 'La Isla Bonita' and it's just brilliant. If you're not charmed by the addictive sequence of notes between 'Spanish' and 'Lullaby', well there's no real hope for you, I fear.
Compandre Andras takes a slightly different (but no less charming) tack with the short and sweet 'Celestine'. Wistful piano (well durr) curls around an agreeably plump bass line and twisting acid notes on one of the most evocative little tracks you're likely to hear this year.

Individually these songs are strong, but collectively they form a magical realist alternative to the predominantly wholesale cultural ransacking of Ibiza's chill-out heritage. Making us all nostalgic for balearic days long-past, regardless of if we experienced them or not. Dream on dreamers, but don't miss this compilation.
'Chill Pill' is out on August 23rd on Public Possession.