This is rather weird and wonderful. For her new "Flower Protocol" EP on Munich's Public Possession Taiwanese artist Yutie Lee covers six Chinese folk songs about Flowers. Pushing their sweet, poetic sentiments about Tuberosa, Rose, Jasmine, Plum Blossom, Orchids and Chamomile through a series of digital manipulation process, she respectfully relocates them within the unsettling global landscape we're entering into in the 2020s. Everything old is new again.
Public Possession posit the flower as a metaphor for longing for something you can't quite touch, while suggesting the meaning behind "Flower Protocol" is best left open ended. To complete the release, which on the physical side, clocks in as a 3 x 12" vinyl album, Yutie Lee’s covers have been respectfully remixed by, Alva Noto, Bell Towers, Laura Groves, Oceanic and Suzanne Kraft, who add new colours, atmospheres and rhythmic magic to the proceedings.
Flower Protocol is out now in 3 x 12" and digital formats through Public Possession (order here)