The Drum Club was a mid-week club based in London's Soundshaft run by Charlie Hall (of the band of the same name) and others. It was always a perfect way to ruin yourself for the next day as you got to bed about 4am if you stayed all night but with young legs those things are easy. In fact those are the things that make the next day even better... Knowing what you and your mates were up to at 1am that morning.
Here's 90 minutes of vintage Andy Weatherall via photographer Steve Double's Soundcloud with a desk recording of him in fine form. As he says, "An Andy Weatherall set from 7th January 1993, back when Drum Club was at Soundshaft on Craven St, the back part of Heaven. Someone I knew used to tape sets off the desk and this one ended up in my possession. Digitised from a C90 so sound quality ain't exactly stellar but as a record of a set you're unlikely to every hear the like of again, it's top notch!
RIP Andy".
*Shout to Mark Nightingale for the heads up.