I just wanted to write a post about Cyphon Recordings a label run by Tom Roberts and Jamie Odell aka Jimpster. Jimpster is one of those people who has quietly been behind some great music over the years and his and Roberts label is so often up my street I thought I should fly the flag here. Last week they released the 'Dawn Till Dusk EP' by Synaptic Voyager who are Sheffield duo Matt White and Paul Baines. The lead track sounded like this below... It's proper close your eyes and drift music.

Next up on the label and released on March the 28th is an EP by Kirk Degiorgio, the last two tracks of which are pure floaty bangers... I got sent the promo and only the first track is up on Bandcamp to embed here but all good as thats a wicked bassline acid number which doesn't put a foot wrong. The point is its another killer E.P from the label. I know from spending more and more time on Test Pressing how much effort it takes to get music to this point so fair play to Jimpster and keep an eye out for when the EP drops. It's out March 28th.

They've also released music by Terrace aka Stefan Robbers who has been music since way back. We first got lost in his stuff when he was releasing on Djax. So much great stuff on that label so it's nice to see him here... This is 'Thermon'. It's moody but nice.

This next one is Howard Dodd under the pseudonym Anoesis with 'Space Watch'. A pure floaty banger from a super nice EP...

Lastly we're going to highlight this release by Flabaire out of Paris. It's a pure floaty banger but this time with some swing and some Carl Craig leanings. Nice work.

So there you go. If you want to check out the label more head to their Bandcamp. If you're into techno, the more floaty stuff, music that pulls from the Artificial Intelligence times then you'll find something for you. Tidy.