Gilles Peterson's Last Sunday Show
Kiss Fm 1992
We received this email from reader Guy Foreman...
"Bit random, but I was going through a load of old tapes the other day & came across one that I'd made of an old Gilles Peterson Vibrazone show on Kiss FM from 1992. It's the last show he did on a Sunday afternoon before he was moved to a mid-week slot & it kind of encapsulates how good those Kiss shows were. As a TP regular I wondered if you guys might be interested in it - I did a quick search & I don't think it's up online anywhere..."
If you listen to this, and bear in mind it's 1992 we are listening to, you hear the pure joy in the music and that whole energy and vibe that was sweeping London back then. Just pure golden music from start to finish and he plays two of my total favourites, 'Theme De Yoyo' and 'Tudo Que Você Podia Ser'.. London really was firing... Two tracks in and you are off with Pharoah Sanders on a lovely one. And just after that he gives one of my favourite 'shout outs' that I have heard for some time saying 'for the Westwood boys FC under elevens, congratulations on winning the Hayes and District division one championship and good luck for the double'. Class. Guy was sat on the pause button back then so you'll hear the pause and edits but totally get the vibe. Just press play below and sink in.
Massive thanks to Guy for the recording and enjoy.