Holy Balm - Andrs Gets Dubbing - Tp Exclusive Business

In other Australian based-news this is another band that might be new to you... Holy Balm are described as a "wonky house trio" and honestly I have no clue what they sound like as this record is all made up of remixes but three of the remixes are from that boy András from Melbourne who just seems to be getting better and better in my book. He's like a machine over there putting out lowdown ambient recordings (say House of Dad) through to lovely house music... So he got hold of Holy Balm and here we go. It sounds great. Very now. But also very then at the same time. It's quality. The vocals come like an 80s Rough Trade record and lay them over what sounds like an early 90s US house record and it really works in these times... Press play.
You can get this one here or at other establishments of your choosing.