Jose Padilla
So Many Colours
The Back Story
We have a full review of the new Jose Padilla album "So Many Colours" forthcoming via our good Dr Rob but I thought I'd write a little bit about it and explain the project from my side as I have been heavily involved.
Over a year ago now, and probably nearer two, I got talking to Mark Barrott from International Feel. This is him below...

We were chatting and with my past running and working at labels he was interested in me helping him with International Feel so he could spend more time making music. Sounded good and off we went. The first project on the table was with Jose Padilla. This is him below...

Jose, as many of you know, is the DJ that gave birth to one side of the balearic coin (Alfredo & Leo can have the other one) - the chilled out side of things. His sets at the Café Del Mar have now passed into legend and his pulling music from all genres but making it run perfectly is pretty much the whole ethos of the balearic and eclectic scene. Here's the Café logo...

Mark Barrott had recorded and produced "Solito" with Jose and we had commissioned some Wolf Muller mixes that everyone was into and we were discussing the Jose album and how to tackle it. Mark was wanting to get on with making his own music so we came up with the idea of four guys each producing three tracks with Jose. NEWS, our kind Belgian distributors, gave us the budget and off we went. We pulled together some of our favourite producers - Telephones, Jan Schulte and Tornado Wallace - and with Mark already involved we had our four. At different times each producer flew out (well apart from Mark as he lives there) and worked with Jose at his house making their tracks. Here's Wolf Muller and Mark in the studio with Jose...

Henning a.k.a Telephones produced the second single that we released (after Solito) and I got my friends Nick Dart, a graphic designer, and Paul Kelly, a designer and airbrush artist, to come in and work on the artwork. "Day One" came out and have to say we were all pretty happy with it. Sounded great. Looked great.

From there we got to rounding up the tracks from the album. Everyone had nailed it. I am totally biased obviously but for me it brings together the old and the new of this whole scene which is, lets be honest, sometimes kind of hard to put your finger on. To me it feels like we've got the most important thing covered in this project and that is bringing to life Padilla's lovely eclectic taste in music. He loves a beautiful deep house groove, he loves a percussive Brazilian style track, and as we know, he is the king of mellow. It feels like we did him proud. Here's the album cover. It's looking kind of good.

While working on the project the top people at FACT magazine got over and covered the week when Wolf Muller was in town and made a film interviewing Jose, Mark Barrott and Jan Schulte. It's a nice thing and you can watch it here. Thanks for reading this Test Pressing infomercial and we really hope you like the album.
Jose Padilla's "So Many Colours" is out via International Feel/NEWS on the 1st of June.