Permanent Vacation

It starts with talking drum tones and Vangelis` helicopter, switching to Fairlight highlife, 303s, Pierre`s serendipity, and Jefferson`s House anthem. As each track begins I think, “Ah that sounds like something I`ve heard before… but I can`t quite remember what”, and for me that’s the essence of why Phillip Lauer`s solo stuff works, that it sounds like music you`ve heard before but isn`t. An instant hit of nostalgia from something new.
Love technique and a sad reprise of Ibiza`s `89 sunshine optimism, those pianos off somewhere in the distance. Italian scream-ups, Ester B and Asha paying tribute to poor Janis. The Beat Club`s “Security” is plunged aquatic, sent swimming amongst brightly coloured coral reefs. Vigilante melodica, tribal pounding, minor chords, and Arthur Baker synthesized brass and b-lines. Zanga Zanga at Shoom. Bye Bye Stembi.
Steve Poindexter on a beach holiday. Pads of backwards keys. A sweet Italo first kiss. Sterling Void as if covered by Johnny Jewel. The album closes with Crockett crying into his beer again.
The overriding reference throughout though is classic New Order. There are touches of everything from “Evil Dust” to “Vanishing Point”. I`d love to hear a collaboration. Can someone please get Bernard Sumner on the phone?