On The Rebound
Three Cosmic Classics
Chayell / It`s Never Too Hot / Isle Of Jura

Porno New Beat, that`s soared in price, I think due to Harvey including it in a Boiler Room set. I first heard it on a Joel Martin mix. For those liable to blush, there`s the instrumental ‘Tropic”.
Anna / Systems Breaking Down / Be With

Be With`s first “dancefloor” 12 (I am wondering what will be next) remasters & reissues a sought after proto-, pitched-down something from back when everyone was sharing ID`s from Daniele`s tapes, and Balearic Mike (as Cosmic Alphonsus) and Jan Hammered were beating most folk to the vinyl. I think Moonboots ended up with an Italian boot. I`ve got a 7.
Michael Chapman / Lescudjack / Emotional Rescue

More from the days of DJHistory bonhomie. Tim H gave me a copy of the LP, for nowt, once he`d found the 12 (he also traded me a “Willowman” - what a gent!). A record that I`ll always associate with Mark Seven, it`s now replete with a Lexx extension.