Phantom Dance Ep
Versatile Records

Words by Lj Horstman

This one snuck in during the last of 2017, a taut and tense mover from Pierre Bastien and Eddie Ladoire in Phantom Dance mode on Versatile Records. Moving into it's third decade and with over 118 releases in the catalogue, the French label somehow manages to innovate and reinvent its sound with each new release. Cut from a similar cloth as the excellent Harmonious Thelonious 12" from earlier last year, Phantom Dance continues the trajectory Versatile have been moving in for a while now, placing emphasis on live-ness and experimentation. For the original recipe, Bastien and Ladoire serve a warm Kosmiche soup with Popol Vuh influence and a hypnotising pulse. Next collect your thoughts in time for the crunchy acidic half-step remix from Suzanne Kraft, before flip to the B for the choice of two mixes from Oceanic. Take either either the steady state 4/4 roller and EP highlight 'Oceanic Club Mix', or curl your toes in the green grass of the 'Oceanic Garden mix'. Classy stuff.

Phantom Dance EP is out NOW on Versatile Records.

Low Company
The Garden Appreciation Post Pt.2


Youtube Playlist Of 2017 Round Up
