My Bloody Valentine

Rockabilly stomp. Needle jump Burundi. Locked groove. G force simulated backwards. Positive horizontal at the point of grey out. Microdot Alice sucked down a rabbit hole. Time lapse of city networks played in reverse. Neon trails. Sunset. Sunrise. Days lost in a blink. A fairground carousel out of control. Wooden horses, teeth-bared, froth and foam and blur. A waltz. A dervish. Scream if you want to go faster. See-sawing wah-wah. Melody pressed off centre. Ryan Gosling on a deathwish. Careering through stop signs. Unstoppable arcade driver. Brakes useless. Walls just something to bounce off. How Soon Is Now`s tremolo dragged into the sunlight, a down at heel poet forced to lighten up, woken by the innocence of a “let`s do the same thing twice” smile. Church organ drones and swells. A drowning memory of Scarlet in seethrough pink panties. Love`s first blush, pre and post coital. Claustrophobically high at a house party or snow blind on a peak. Harmony through distortion. Royal Trux and Ornette`s Harmolodics. Hungover sex, and the rough and slightly dirty edges of some velvet morning. Sea sick reeling in huge arcs of noise. Marlin fighting on the line. All so wrong that it`s perfect.
To me the album sounds as if Deb, Colm, Bilinda and Kevin went straight back into the studio after “Loveless” instead of there being a huge 22 year hiatus. While it might be nothing new, it doesn`t need to be since their music is so unique (and we`ve had to wait 22 years). Nobody else can make this noise, singular in its ability to capture and reproduce the rush, and then the calm, induced by drug, or heart, or both.
You can buy direct from the band here. CDs and vinyl were due to be ready to be shipped last Friday (February 22).