Trey Risque
A Night With The Boys
Parkway Records

“A Night With The Boys” rattles echoed Electro / Freestyle percussion in a firmly Proto- fashion. Like Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam cut by those Latin Rascals, it`s Kamins, Jellybean, Hispanic breakers and girls in cropped tops and sweat bands at Funhouse and Danceteria. Kamins` dub of Cheyne`s "Call Me Mr. Telephone”. Morgan Geist`s Storm Queen project. The sort of thing that Factory / Be Music / New Order / A Certain Ratio would have found inspiration from on sleepless NYC nights.
The “Trail Of Destruction” Dub is thumping and tumbling, stripped back, Housed up, its baseline indeed given the squelch of FK`s remix of Yazoo`s “Situation”, just as the press notes suggest. But while the one-sheet also namedrops Quando Quango I`d swap that for Night Moves` "Transdance" or Jago`s “I`m Going To Go” with Frankye on the mix. Synths like lasers and a stark New Beat in its now jacking jack-booted kick.
Best place to listen is currently Juno.
P.S. / You can download Parkway Records mastermind Mark Seven`s recent Beats In Space mix here.