It’s always nice to come across a release that feels like a new discovery, even if that can be a kind of personal thing, and in fact plenty of folks have probably been on it for some time. And so it is with Baroque Sunburst and their latest one from Jay Duncan. Some cursory research shows a connection with the mighty Honest Jon’s. An enduring treasure pit of music if ever there was one. Over the years they have been relentless in sharing incredible music with the world. So however that connection manifests, this one feels like it wouldn’t be out of place amongst their racks.
How to describe the music on ‘Catalyst Curve’? Not an easy task, but maybe four tracks of superbly crafted electronic machine head music could be a decent starter for ten. ‘Bitten dream’ mixes jungle drums with a cerebral spaciousness that makes for an arresting combination and envelopes with its intensity. Next up, ‘Via Tekh’ flips the beat to a motor city inflection, complete with subaquatic electro flourishes that are underpinned with throbbing bass bubbles.
‘Shrine’s’ take on the dubstep sound comes with particulate intensity and controlled frenzy. Open space is the name of the game, expansive bass drums and pad work par excellence. Creepy but exciting. Final cut ‘Catharsis’ lives up to its billing, creating a sweet hypnotic dream state via its rising notes that build the tension to ache for release.
One to keep alert for. Label and artist both.