This track came out on Friday just gone and needs a heads up as its a good one and you really shouldn't miss it... Pinky Perzelle (great name) is Sonny Rooney. Not only is it his debut and self-released it is Sonny playing pretty much everything on the record bar the violin and some additional drums from Malcolm Catto. The amazing vocal comes from British-Turkish vocalist Eda Eren.
And the record? It's a killer mix of almost psyche-funk which as they say feels like it comes from another era. It's super cinematic and one of those tracks that you know you'll put on a mix or play and people will be like 'what is that???'. Totally fresh and standing out by being it's own thing in a world of similarities. It also comes with a mix from Joel Martin and Gerry in the form of Velvet Season & The Hearts of Gold who put a 4/4 spine around proceedings and keep it left-field...
To round up... A killer song put together with an overall vision from someone that knows where they want to be. An artist to watch. Respect.