We love hounds at Test Pressing. Our Piers has a beautiful dog and I spent my youth working on weekends looking after them. Many DJs have dogs so guess what, we wanted to start a column for the dog lovers out there. First up in DJs & Their Dogs is London's Jane Fitz... A don DJ.

Introduce your dog and yourself?
This is Aubrey. And I'm Jane, 46, Plaistow.
What make is your dog?
A vizslador... part chocolate-lab, part vizsla
What does his voice sound like?
Very talkative so sometimes he barks and moans like a warrior. Sometimes he whines like a girl.
Who’s their favourite in the household?
The wife - chief food dispenser and general fun hub. I'm the lowest in the pack.
If your dog was a person, who would they be?
I genuinely believe one day monks from Tibet will show up on the doorstep looking for the reincarnation of their spiritual leader, and it will be Aubrey - he is that tranquil. Although in truth the character he most resembles personality-wise is Scooby-doo.
Has your dog ever shown any interest in music whatsoever? (whining during modal jazz albums, swallowing usb sticks, shredding record covers etc)
He hates pretty much all of my music and much prefers the wife's Boy Harsher records. Although the most intense reaction he's demonstrated was when we watched the Werner Herzog documentary about Tibet and he was completely hypnotised during the chanting section. (It also backs up my monks theory about him.)
I genuinely believe one day monks from Tibet will show up on the doorstep looking for the reincarnation of their spiritual leader, and it will be Aubrey - he is that tranquil

After you’ve been away on tour does your dog faint with excitement or give you the cold shoulder?
I'm very happy to say he goes absolutely mental - can't control himself and his lipstick is at full extension. He came and met me at the airport recently and pretty much lost the plot.
If your dog could instigate three rules in your household what would they be?
I think the household is already under his dictatorship already
What’s his worst habit?
Stealing my warm spot on the sofa if I go to the loo/get up to make tea etc. It's a war and I'm not winning it.
Where do you take them for walks and have they any dog mates?
No set place to be honest but he likes Hainult Forest. Everybody is Aubrey's mate, small or large, muzzled or placid, he's not fussy - he's a bit of a dork though so properly tough dogs usually give him a bit of shit. And he gets bullied by Jack Russells.