What’s the definition of slept on? 50 Years? 6 months? A week..? This EP came out in August 2022, and now standard vinyl release delays meant that physical release was a lot more recent, so maybe that makes it somewhere between current and slept on? Half awake?
Either way this production is stretching the bruk/broken house/garage style in some absorbing and unique directions. Directed both on and off the floor, it makes the name of this five tracker by Shy One, 'From The Floor To The Boot', highly accurate. Beginning with the most obviously accessible 'Be As One', the London producer puts together a skippy future soul burner. A bass heavy production is here, as throughout, underlying some punchy vocal loops and organ, backing the main voice of Simeon Jones of The Colours That Rise.
There is musicianship on show across this EP, not just on the more song-like first track. 'Scorpio Sun' takes a high note piano line over a deep stepping beat. It’s playful almost, but the underlying elastic bass keeps it propulsive. Things become more tightly looped on 'B!tch U Better' but the descending keyboard and bleeps with dubby echo in evidence keep things interesting. This tune is all about the vocal snips that pull it all together.
'Bird Bop' stands out as a more out and out potential dancefloor track. This one swirls about in it's introduction, then resolves with a clipped orchestral breakdown... All in the first minute or so and again it’s the vocal element that makes it work as more than just a broken experiment. The layered sounds can seem busy, but that’s the appeal. Final track 'Stoned Alone', closes things off in a more straight ahead and tracky style. The snare, hi hat and bass combinations drive this forward with the occasional keyboard line and squelchy loop thrown in for good measure, giving the E.P a slightly more conventional ending.
Coming out on Alexander Nut’s ever reliable but always engaging Eglo Records imprint, this one grows with each listen. Plus the artwork fits perfectly, and is supporting a great cause. Checking back on Shy One's last two releases, this is a step on again and she seems to be evolving with each release worth staying up for.